Having displayed the group sculpture below, I now can't resist showing off my d and g-d's giant octopus which is spreadeagled on their table-tennis table as if trying to flatten it. If it really could iron out the curves and waves in the wood surface the whole family would have to alter their well-practised ping-pong shots because we've all got used to the ball shooting off at weird angles. But there you go. Good and bad. Ying and yang. Full cream and skimmed.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Having displayed the group sculpture below, I now can't resist showing off my d and g-d's giant octopus which is spreadeagled on their table-tennis table as if trying to flatten it. If it really could iron out the curves and waves in the wood surface the whole family would have to alter their well-practised ping-pong shots because we've all got used to the ball shooting off at weird angles. But there you go. Good and bad. Ying and yang. Full cream and skimmed.